25 Photos Found
Showing 1 - 10

Description: Ross in his new chair
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2003
File Size: 58KB
Image Size: 640 × 480
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 35KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 47KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Chicago, IL
Year: 2003
File Size: 50KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 53KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 41KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 62KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 54KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 53KB
Image Size: 538 × 360
Description: Christmas Day 2003 at the Jared Johnson home in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2003
File Size: 38KB
Image Size: 538 × 360

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